Bob Lambert

Jazz on the harmonica

Tag: Application Development

  • Get Business Requirements Right by Resolving Many-to-Manys

    Logical data modeling is one of my tools of choice in business analysis and requirements definition. That’s not particularly unusual – the BABOK (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge) recognizes the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) as a business analysis tool, and for many organizations it’s a non-optional part of requirements document templates. In practice, however, data models…

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  • A Field Guide to Overloaded Data

    At the very first TDWI Conference, Duane Hufford described a phenomenon he called “embedded data”, now more commonly called “overloaded data”, where two or more concepts are stuffed into a single data field (“Metadata Repositories,” TDWI Conference 1995). He described and portrayed in graphics three types of overloaded data. Almost 20 years later, overloaded data…

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  • Requirements Half-Life

    I had pondered writing a post called “Requirements Decay” about how requirements don’t last forever. In my research I found that such a post, complete with “my” words “requirements decay” and “requirements half-life”, had already been done comprehensively here. In a compact argument underpinned by half-life mathematics, the anonymous author proposes that a requirement isn’t likely…

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  • DIY Data Dictionary: ODBC Reporting from the ERwin Metamodel

    Application developers and business people accessing relational databases need data dictionaries in order to properly load or query a database. The data dictionary provides a source of information about the model for those without model access, including entity/table and attribute/column definitions, datatypes, primary keys, relationships among tables, and so on. The data dictionary also provides…

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  • Get the Big Picture: Effective High-Level Diagrams

    I believe that early, effective big picture diagrams are key to application development project success. According to the old saw, no project succeeds without a catchy acronym. Maybe so, but I’d say no project succeeds without a good big picture diagram. The question: what constitutes a good one? To me good high-level diagrams have four key characteristics:…

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  • Business Intelligence Requirements: The Payoff’s in the Details

    A technique for reporting requirements has emerged as the de facto standard in the business intelligence community. The technique, which emerged in the mid-2000s, is new enough to be as yet unacknowledged by the requirements analysis powers that be. David Loshin describes how it works in this 2007 post: Start with a business question about…

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  • Jürgen Klinsmann’s Waterfall to Agile Transition

    How does this sound as advice for an app dev manager leading his or her team from waterfall to Agile? Clearly articulate a compelling end-state vision Work from a position of authority Weather the storms Reward creativity while fostering improvement A post at lists leadership, organizational culture, and people as three of the five…

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  • A Fist Full of Agile Critiques

    Out of curiosity I recently reviewed articles critical of Agile Methodologies. I had expected agile-versus-waterfall arguments and attacks from vendors selling new alternatives, but even given the reputation that advocates have for flaming well-intentioned critics, I wasn’t prepared for the level of emotion I found. My opening position was that Agile techniques are great, but…

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  • Data Design Matters

    As important as it is, data modeling has always had a geeky, faintly impractical tinge to some. I’ve seen application development projects proceed with a suboptimal, “good enough”, model. The resulting systems might otherwise be well-architected, but sometimes strange vulnerabilities emerge that track directly to data design flaws. Recently I saw an example where a…

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  • What Driving Dogs Tell Us About Learning

    Recently the BBC posted this video. On first view it is just funny, but watching those dogs learn to drive really reminded me of personal experiences with IT teams making big learning transitions. To represent those real situations let’s consider a fictional team of SQL developers facing the daunting task of deploying a functional Hadoop-based…

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