Tag: Data Quality
The PDDQ Framework: Lean Data Quality for Patient Records
For most of us it may have slipped under the radar, but in December a groundbreaking Patient Demographic Data Quality framework was jointly released by a US government agency and the CMMI Institute. In response to findings that many “safety-related events were caused by or related to incorrect patient identification”, the Office of the National Coordinator…
The Practical Metadata Business Case
Even now the business case for a metadata tool seems unclear and difficult to quantify, but it isn’t impossible. We in the data management business tend to devalue solutions that don’t clearly derive from a coherent top-level view. We seek applications defined from an enterprise architecture, database designs from an enterprise data model, and data…
Data Quality, Evolved
Data quality doesn’t have to be a train wreck. Increased regulatory scrutiny, NoSQL performance gains, and the needs of data scientists are quietly changing views and approaches toward data quality. The result: a pathway to optimism and data quality improvement. Here’s how you can get on the new and improved data quality train in each of those…
A New Direction for Data at #EDW17
Obviously, data management is important. Unfortunately, it is not prioritized in most organizations. Those that effectively manage data perform far better than organizations that don’t. Everyone who needs data to do his/her job must drive change to improve data management. That was the theme of the recent Enterprise Data World (EDWorld) conference this week. This year’s EDWorld event might be the…
Analytics Requirements: Avoid a Y2.xK Crisis
Even though it happens annually, teams building new visualizations often forget to think about the effects of turning over from one year to another. In today’s fast paced, Agile world, requirements for even the most critical dashboards and visualizations tend to evolve, and development often proceeds iteratively from a scratchpad sketch through successively more detailed…
Five Thoughts On Data Management Maturity
Recently I’ve had the opportunity to dig deeply into the CMMI Data Management Maturity model. Since its release, the DMM model has emerged as the de facto standard data management maturity framework (I’ve listed other frameworks at the end of this post). I’m deeply impressed by the completeness and polish of the DMM model as…
Manage DATA, People, Process, and Technology
A quick Google search seems to reveal if you manage People, Process, and Technology you’ve got everything covered. That’s simply not the case. Data is separate and distinct from the things it describes — namely people, processes, and technologies — and organizations must separately and intentionally manage it. The data management message seems a tough…
GIGO: Data Quality Guidelines for Application Development
There’s consensus among data quality experts that, generally speaking data quality is pretty much bad (here, here, and here). Data quality approaches generally focus on profiling, managing, and correcting data after it is already in the system. This makes sense in a data science or warehousing context, which is often where quality problems surface. To quote William…
A Field Guide to Overloaded Data
At the very first TDWI Conference, Duane Hufford described a phenomenon he called “embedded data”, now more commonly called “overloaded data”, where two or more concepts are stuffed into a single data field (“Metadata Repositories,” TDWI Conference 1995). He described and portrayed in graphics three types of overloaded data. Almost 20 years later, overloaded data…
DIY Data Dictionary: ODBC Reporting from the ERwin Metamodel
Application developers and business people accessing relational databases need data dictionaries in order to properly load or query a database. The data dictionary provides a source of information about the model for those without model access, including entity/table and attribute/column definitions, datatypes, primary keys, relationships among tables, and so on. The data dictionary also provides…